This is us today. I have had Moonshine For about 2 mo and after 2 different owners Moonshine and I finally got to have our chance. I am the only one that has been able to tame this scared little sweetie. You see Moonshine is a churro Indian rescue. She was badly beaten and abused and left to hag on a high post for 5 hrs. She has a heart of gold but she is so afraid of every thing.
When I first got Moonshine I was told I was crazy, she is insane, your goanna get your self killed. She will never be safe to be around. Tons of negative feedback. Today people just look at me in surprise. You see I am a greenhorn. The man you saw in the picture. Another greenhorn. I have been around horses for exactly 7 months. when I took Moonshine on it was less. I was told to put drag ropes on her, tie her to posts you whips and crops for training. but I would hear none of that. My way is slow but it works I have gained her trust through patience and repetition. My Moonshine has come a long way. People say that she is my rescue but the truth is I am her's.
Happy Horse loving